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POI - 005

The artists den


  • Tresspass: 1/5 (Exit:1/5),(Entrance: 1/5)

  • Enviormental threats: 0/5

  • Entities: 1/5



General description

Description: POI-005 is an section of a sewer tunnel which was repurposed to be an clandestine bar. The whole facilty is just a straightfoward hall with some small sections added at the sides. It is unkown who owns this small facility. 

All the materials are the same you would find at the sewers, stone bricks and some metalic fences.

The walls are covered with graffities, and moss giving it a beautiful urban atmosfere. There are empty bottles and plates on the floor which is heavily littered. The ilumination comes from some small lamps found.


Because of not being a very big complex there aren't many zones at the artist den.

The hall

The hall is the main room of the artist den. It is the biggest zone. 

The bar

The bar is an small desk, intended for serving to the clients.

The tables

Every bar has its table for hosting its clients. The artist den also follow this rule. The tables are located in the sides of the hall. This seats hold basic commodities like couchs, tables etc.


General view

There are a high number of non-human entities in general. And you will only find people when the bar is open. 

Non-human entities

The vermin have overtaken this place. The most common are rats, spiders and others. None of them are harmful in any sense.

Human entities

Encountering humans is, of course, common when the artist den is open. You can find this type of people

  • Clients: From criminals to explorers. Don't mind who they are everyone deserves a nice drink from time to time.

  • Staff: They are the ones running this bar. Behave as you would do in any cafe.

Entrances and exits

There are some entrance and exit.

  • (1) Entrance/exit: There is a door in the sewer that is labeled "Artist's den" entering leads to one of the extremes of the hall. Obvioulsy the door is only opened when the den is opened.

  • (2) Entrance/exit: There is an opening to the sewers in the north street of the faculty. It will lead to one of the extremes of the hall.

Enviormental threaths

This place is significantly safe. There aren't any major enviormental threats.

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